• deplazio
    The Department of Epidemiology of the Lazio Regional Health Service (DEP)
    is based in Rome and has over 30 years of experience
  • Area Covid-19
  • ambientale-valutativo

    The staff of the DEP has specific expertise in epidemiological methods
  • rischi ambientali
    Provide decision makers with the best epidemiological evidence
    to plan interventions to reduce health risks
  • esiti
    Outcome evaluation of health care
  • cure sanitarie
    Provide evidence to improve the quality
    and effectiveness of health care
  • inquinamento
    Assess the risks associated with
    short and long term exposure to air pollutants
  • cambiamenti climatici
    Assessing the health impact of climate change and extreme events

Registro Regionale Dialisi e Trapianti Lazio (RRDTL)

Progetto CCM CLIMACTIONS: interventi urbani per la promozione della salute


banner-climactions-1CLIMACTIONS è un progetto CCM finanziato dal Ministero della Salute coordinato dal DEPLAZIO a cui aderiscono l'Istituto Superiore di Sanità; l'Università degli Studi Roma Tre- Facoltà di Architettura; Servizio Sovrazonale di Epidemiologia ASLTO3; Regione Liguria; S.S.R. Emilia Romagna; Ares Puglia; Istituto per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione Biomedica- CNR; Regione Sicilia.


area demenzeEpidemiologia della Malattia di Alzheimer e altre demenze nella regione Lazio

Con il termine generico di demenza si intende un insieme di malattie cronico degenerative (demenza di Alzheimer, demenza vascolare, demenza frontotemporale, ecc.) caratterizzate dalla progressione più o meno rapida dei deficit cognitivi, dei disturbi del comportamento e del danno funzionale, con conseguente perdita dell’autonomia e dell’autosufficienza.

Area Dipendenze

logoSIRDLa rilevanza dei problemi correlati all’uso di droghe ed alcol, in termini di frequenza del fenomeno e di impatto sulla salute e la società, è ampiamente riconosciuta.

Air pollution

The DEP has always been engaged in the study of the effects on health of air pollution and pollution caused by traffic, through the use of time series studies and the development of new methodologies.

Climate and Health


As summarized by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate change (IPCC) “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal.

Municipal solid waste and health

The disposal of waste is an issue of environmental, social and economical interest for all developing countries. In Europe, an average of 3.5 tons of waste per year are generated,

Piano di prevenzione e sistema di allarme ondate di calore 2020

ondate-caloreConsulta il Sistema previsionale delle ondate di calore per la Regione Lazio.

Health effects of the exposure to arsenic in drinking water in the Lazio region


Arsenic (As) is an element widely distributed in air, soil, rocArsenic (As) is present in air, soil, rocks and water, with the highest concentrations found in groundwater.

DEP Lazio - Reference Site del Partenariato europeo per l’innovazione sull’invecchiamento attivo e in buona salute (EIP-AHA)

Reference3Dal 2016 al DEP Lazio è stato concesso lo status di Reference Site del Partenariato Europeo per l’innovazione sull’invecchiamento attivo e in buona salute (EIP-AHA) con tre stelle su quattro, vedendo riconosciuto il valore e l’importanza di alcune delle principali attività promosse dal DEP da anni a livello regionale.

Italian Heat health watch warning system (HHWW Systems)


Since 2004, DEP has been identified as the National Coordination Centre for the prevention of heat wave related health effects by the Italian Civil Protection. Currently DEP coordinates the National HHWWS and the Lazio regional HHWWS.

Noise exposure and health


Laboratory as well as epidemiological studies involving both workers exposed to noise in the workplace, and the general population living in the surroundings of airports, factories and roads with high traffic,

Cohorts of children for the study of childhood diseases in relation to environmental and genetic factors


During the last decades, many studies have shown a strong impact of the exposure to environmental factors (physical, chemical, biological, psycho-social, nutritional)

Occupational cancer and national mesothelioma register


The regional laws DGR n. 438/ 18.07.2006 and DGR n. 177/ 27.03.2009 have established the C.O.R. (Regional Operative Centre) of the Lazio Region at the Department of Epidemiology of the Regional Health Service - ASL Rome E

Population Health status


Knowledge of the state of health of the population is essential for health care planning, for the definition of prevention programs and for evaluating the effectiveness and quality of health care interventions.

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