• deplazio
    il Dipartimento di Epidemiologia del Servizio Sanitario del Lazio (DEP)
    con sede a Roma è un’istituzione attiva da oltre 30 anni
  • Area Covid-19
  • ambientale-valutativo
    il personale del DEP ha specifiche competenze di metodi
    epidemiologici in campo ambientale e valutativo
  • rischi ambientali
    Il DEP fornisce ai decisori le migliori conoscenze epidemiologiche
    per pianificare interventi di riduzione dei rischi per la salute
  • esiti
    Il DEP effettua studi di valutazione degli esiti delle cure sanitarie
  • cure sanitarie
    Il DEP fornisce evidenze per migliorare la qualità
    e l'efficacia delle cure sanitarie
  • inquinamento
    Il DEP valuta i rischi a breve e lungo termine associati
    all’esposizione ad inquinanti atmosferici
  • cambiamenti climatici
    Il DEP valuta l’impatto sulla salute dei cambiamenti climatici
    e degli eventi estremi ad essi associati

Registro Regionale Dialisi e Trapianti Lazio (RRDTL)

Anno 2007
Amato L, Minozzi S, Pani PP, Davoli M. Antipsychotic medications for cocaine dependence. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 3. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006306
Porta D, Forastiere F, Di Lallo D, Perucci CA, Gruppo Collaborativo GASPII Enrolment and follow-up of a birth cohort in Rome Epidemiol Prev. 2007 Nov-Dec;31(6):303-8. Italian
Valente P, Forastiere F, Bacosi A, Cattani G, Di Carlo S, Ferri M, Figa-Talamanca I, Marconi A, Paoletti L, Perucci CA, Zuccaro P Exposure to fine and ultrafine particles from secondhand smoke in public places before and after the smoking ban, Italy 2005. Tob Control 16:312-7
Simoni M, Baldacci S, Puntoni R, Pistelli F, Farchi S, Lo Presti E, Pistelli R, Corbo G, Agabiti N, Basso S, Matteelli G, Di Pede F, Carrozzi L, Foras Respiratory symptoms/diseases and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in never smoker Italian women. Respir Med 101:531-8
Rusconi F, Galassi C, Forastiere F, Bellasio M, De Sario M, Ciccone G, Brunetti L, Chellini E, Corbo G, La Grutta S, Lombardi E, Piffer S, Talassi F, Maternal complications and procedures in pregnancy and at birth and wheezing phenotypes in children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 175:16-21
Ruckerl R, Greven S, Ljungman P, Aalto P, Antoniades C, Bellander T, Berglind N, Chrysohoou C, Forastiere F, Jacquemin B, von Klot S, Koenig W, Kuchen Air pollution and inflammation (interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen) in myocardial infarction survivors. Environ Health Perspect 115:1072-80
Porta D, Forastiere F, Di Lallo D, Perucci CA Enrolment and follow-up of a birth cohort in Rome Epidemiol Prev 31:303-8
Peters A, Schneider A, Greven S, Bellander T, Forastiere F, Ibald-Mulli A, Illig T, Jacquemin B, Katsouyanni K, Koenig W, Lanki T, Pekkanen J, Pershag Air pollution and inflammatory response in myocardial infarction survivors: gene-environment interactions in a high-risk group. Inhal Toxicol 19 Suppl 1:161-75
Pavone VL, Lisi C, Cinti D, Cervino D, Costantini AS, Forastiere F "Determinants of occupational injuries in the construction of the ""high speed train"" Bologna-Florence]. " Epidemiol Prev 31:109-16
Migliore E, Pearce N, Bugiani M, Galletti G, Biggeri A, Bisanti L, Caranci N, Dell'Orco V, De Sario M, Sestini P, Piffer S, Viegi G, Forastiere F, Gal Prevalence of respiratory symptoms in migrant children to Italy: the results of SIDRIA-2 study. Allergy 62:293-300
Michelozzi, P. //Kirchmayer, U. //Katsouyanni, K. //Biggeri, A. //McGregor, G. //Menne, B. //Kassomenos, P. //Anderson, H. R. //Baccini, M. //Accetta, Assessment and prevention of acute health effects of weather conditions in Europe, the PHEWE project: background, objectives, design Environ Health 6:12
Marconi A, Cattani G, Cusano M, Ferdinandi M, Inglessis M, Viviano G, Settimo G, Forastiere F Two-years of fine and ultrafine particles measurements in Rome, Italy. J Toxicol Environ Health A 70:213-21
Forastiere F, Stafoggia M, Tasco C, Picciotto S, Agabiti N, Cesaroni G, Perucci CA Socioeconomic status, particulate air pollution, and daily mortality: differential exposure or differential susceptibility. Am J Ind Med 50:208-16
Ferri M, Bargagli AM, Faggiano F, Belleudi V, Salamina G, Vigna-Taglianti F, Davoli M, Perucci CA Mortality of drug users attending public treatment centers in Italy 1998-2001: a cohort study Epidemiol Prev 31:276-82
Faustini A, Marino C, Dovidio M, Perucci CA Mortality due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: indicators of impact, access to health services, and outcome of hospital treatment in an Italian region]. Epidemiol Prev 31:140-7
Faustini A, Marino C, D'Ovidio M, Perucci CA The concurrent COPD mortality doubles the mortality estimate from COPD as underlying cause in Lazio, Italy. Respir Med 101:1988-93
Faustini A, Arca' M, Fusco D, Perucci CA Prognostic factors and determinants of fatal outcome due to bacterial meningitis in the Lazio region of Italy, 1996-2000. Int J Infect Dis 11:137-44
Davoli M, Pasqualini F, Belleudi V, Bargagli AM, Perucci CA Changing pattern of drug abuse among patients entering treatment in Lazio, Italy, between 1996 and 2003: transition from heroin to cocaine use. Eur Addict Res 13:185-91
Davoli M, Bargagli AM, Perucci C, A, Schifano P, Belleudi V, Hickman M, Salamina G, Diecidue R, Vigna-Taglianti F, Faggiano F Risk of fatal overdose during and after specialist drug treatment: the VEdeTTE study, a national multi-site prospective cohort study. . Addiction 102:1954-9
D'Errigo P, Tosti ME, Fusco D, Perucci CA, Seccareccia F Use of hierarchical models to evaluate performance of cardiac surgery centres in the Italian CABG outcome study. BMC Med Res Methodol 7:29
Corbo GM, Agabiti N, Pistelli R, Valente S, Kriebel D, Forastiere F Parental smoking and lung function: misclassification due to background exposure to passive smoking. Respir Med 101:768-73
Campolo L, Pantaleo P, Barattoni M, C, Berardo A, Ghetti L, Fusco D, Cremonesi A, Grattoni C, Marchese A, Pernice V, Alberti A, Gliozheni E, Perucci C RESTEM: a percutaneous coronary intervention 'real world' registry in the drug-eluting stent era. Coron Artery Dis 18:653-62
Blair A, Stewart P, Lubin JH, Forastiere F Methodological issues regarding confounding and exposure misclassification in epidemiological studies of occupational exposures. Am J Ind Med 50:199-207
Bellia V, Pedone C, Catalano F, Zito A, Davi E, Palange S, Forastiere F, Incalzi RA Asthma in the elderly: mortality rate and associated risk factors for mortality. Chest 132:1175-82
Belleudi V, Bargagli AM, Davoli M, Di Pucchio A, Pacifici R, Pizzi E, Zuccaro P, Perucci CA Characteristics and effectiveness of smoking cessation programs in Italy. Results of a multicentric longitudinal study Epidemiol Prev 31:148-57
Axelson O, Forastiere F, Frederickson M Assessing dose-response relationships by cumulative exposures in epidemiological studies. Am J Ind Med 50:217-20
Antonelli-Incalzi R, Ancona C, Forastiere F, Belleudi V, Corsonello A, Perucci CA Socioeconomic status and hospitalization in the very old: a retrospective study. BMC Public Health 7:227
Annesi-Maesano I, Forastiere F, Kunzli N, Brunekref B Particulate matter, science and EU policy. Eur Respir J 29:428-31
Agabiti N, Picciotto S, Cesaroni G, Bisanti L, Forastiere F, Onorati R, Pacelli B, Pandolfi P, Russo A, Spadea T, Perucci CA The influence of socioeconomic status on utilization and outcomes of elective total hip replacement: a multicity population-based longitudinal study. Int J Qual Health Care 19(1):37-44

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